Motivation Week

« Même quand c’est dur et que cela représente un vrai défi, rappelle-toi que tu as les capacités de réussir. »

For the fourth week, considering motivation can decrease in our present situation, we wanted to uplift everyone’s mood! This is why we included multiple encouraging words and hacks and tips to stay motivated. In order to help one’s motivation we strongly believe calendars and to-do lists truly help organize someone’s day, week, daily chores. To finish with, multiple podcasts can be found that we are sure you will enjoy ! 

Pour la quatrième semaine, considérant que la motivation peut diminuer à cause de la situation actuelle, nous voulons hausser l’esprit de tous! Ceci est pourquoi nous avons inclus de multiples messages d’encouragements, astuces et conseils pour rester motiver. Afin de renforcir la motivation, nous croyons fortement que les calendriers et les listes “à faire” aident vraiment pour organiser la journée, l’horaire et tâches à faire! Pour terminer, plusieurs podcasts sont inclus et nous sommes certaines que vous allez apprécier!

Calendar and To-do lists/ Calendrier et list à faire


Podcasts/Balado en anglais

Lifestyle + Wellness + Business for Modern Women. Serving up motivation, weekly.

TED Radio Hour investigates the biggest questions of our time with the help of the world’s greatest thinkers. In each episode, explores a big idea through a series of TED Talks and original interviews, inspiring us to learn more about the world, our communities, and most importantly, ourselves.

The podcast’s primary focus is Canadian news, media, politics, and current events. Every week they get over 100,000 downloads, so you know it’s well-loved.

Lemon Water is a collective of conversations and interviews with other Women in the community surrounding the theme of Health, Wellness and Beauty.

OLD Podcast narrates to you the best content on minimalism, personal development, and life optimization